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imagem ilustrativa para os cursos do instituto de artes darci campioti

digital art

arte tatoo
arte digital
formação professores
anatomia quadrinhos
concept art
arte digital


About the course

The Digital Art course/module was developed to provide the student with essential techniques and fundamentals for creating art in a digital way.

The IADC Digital Art course/module is divided into 2 modules, which will address the ability of digital art to expand the inventive reasoning of professionals from the most different segments. With the growth of electronic media, the creative potential of digital art intensifies. 

Course Objectives

The IADC Digital Art course/module will provide the student with the opportunity to develop the analysis of drawing/illustration from its sketch by geometric structures, scanning, light and shadow and color, which are some elements of digital art.

During the modular period of the course, the student will acquire the ability to create illustrations with a three-dimensional effect, thus enabling the creation of scenes, characters, people, objects.


  • Have completed the Basic Design course/module;

  • Dedication, enthusiasm and passion for digital illustration/drawing;.

  • Like computer;

Program content

Module I - Digital-Introduction

  • Knowing and configuring the Digitizing table;

  • Press and shortcut buttons;

  • Configure control+z numbers;

  • Documents in 300 DPI;

  • What is DPI;

  • Image Size and Canvas Size;

  • Types of Effect Layers and what they do;

  • Too many layers = Heavier file;

  • Brightness/levels/Color Balance Adjustment Layers;

  • Transform - Perspective / Distortion and Warp;

  • Filters - Blur / Motion Blur / Zoom Blur;

  • Brushes ;

  • flow;

  • Lineart and Digitization;

  • Scanning a document at 300 DPI;

  • Cleaning the drawing with levels;

  • Leave the drawing in shades of gray (Blue due to scanning);

  • Clean manually;

  • With the line, being able to paint in layers with multiply;

  • Coloring the line - Select Quick Mask;

  • Coloring the line 2 - Put a base color and leave the layer in mode;

  • Color burn - Lineart with the mouse;

  • Lineart with the tablet - Good Brushes - hard to simulate the same pressure as the paper; simulate pressure manually;

  • To work;

  • About Colors;

  • Difference between R/G/BEC/M/Y/K;

  • Difference between saturation and value;

  • Sensations transmitted by colors;

  • Color theory;

  • Exercise;

  • Reflected light and color;

  • How the colors of the environment interact with each other;

  • Exercise - Color reflected in object;

  • Example illustrations with color mixing, along with color theory. Iconic;

Module II - Digital-Development

  • Application of base color;

  • Freehand;

  • Making selection with the wand and expanding the spacing;

  • Pen tool;

  • Painting;

  • Simple clipped shadow;

  • Clipped shadow with more than one color for shadow;

  • Clipped shadow + shadow + gradient;

  • Cropped shadow + shadow + gradient + Other colors for shadow;

  • Light and shadow;

  • Define where the light will come from;

  • Make example of illuminations, Diffuse light, up, down, left, right, back;

  • Difference between Diffuse Shadow and Hard Shadow;

  • Exercise - Paint a drawing with only shadow and a drawing with Light only;

  • Exercise - Application of texture on clothing and application of print on fabric;

  • Texture painting - Metal texture, sand, rusty, etc;

  • Painting without lineart;

  • What is the line, what does it represent;

  • Values for defining objects;

  • Composition;

  • Special effects;

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